You may be wondering what “The” is an acronym for, but you read it correctly. It is indeed “The Model United Nations”. The MUN is a concept which its Secretariat, came up with because they wanted MUNs to once again be as they used to be, “Old School”, where focus was on research and debate. The research and preparation required the adoption of views and attitudes other than their own. The debate involved brilliant oratory and logical reasoning which when combined with involvement and interaction with fellow delegates made MUNs the ideal platform for the youth of today. That was the essence of MUNing as they had understood it and that is what they aim to simulate.
In its inaugural edition, The MUN will be simulating four councils; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which will discuss the current global economic developments with respect to the Eurozone and rising fiscal deficits, the United Nations Security Council which will debate the precarious situation in the Korean Peninsula, the International Court of Justice which will take an advisory opinion into the Status of Palestinian Statehood after being granted full observer status at the United Nations, and a crisis simulation of the United Nations General Assembly: Emergency Special Session which will look into threats to international peace given the situation in Syria and Iran. With the 14-member Secretariat and Dais team boasting a collective experience of over 300 conferences, The MUN is set to be unforgettable experience.
So Delegates put on your suits and your thinking hats and come debate, deliberate and argue, because Victoria Concordia Crescit.
Peace, Power, Persevere.
The MUN will be taking place in Hyderabad, India from 5th to 7th July, 2013. It will be open to both school and college students, as well as recent graduates. For more information, visit their website at: http://themun13.wix.com/hyd13 or their Facebook Group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/540022026050671/.