This post has been provided by Ann Rogers, THIMUN Coordinator – Qatar
The mission of the THIMUN Qatar-Northwestern Film Festival is to encourage a better understanding of and appreciation for cinematic arts, to foster those arts, to help to put a human face on the contemporary issues facing the world today. The Film Festival provides a platform for high school students to showcase their work to a wider audience through the power of film integrating video into advocacy work.
THIMUN Qatar will be hosting along with Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Northwestern University in Qatar, part of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, the first Qatar MUN and Film Leadership Conference in September 2012. The conference will provide high school students and teachers with quality workshops designed to provide them with leadership skills and tools to run successful MUN and Film studies programs and an annual meeting place for MUN and Film leaders to exchange ideas and develop partnerships.
THIMUN Qatar Regional MUN Conference was created as a joint project between Qatar Foundation and the THIMUN Foundation. This conference brings young people from the Middle East and North African region to an annual conference in Qatar to seek, through discussion, negotiation and debate, solutions to the various problems of the world, sharing ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds.