Over 350 students attended the UC Irvine Model United Nations Conference from April 11-12, 2015.

Mostly Orange County schools were in attendance, including Cerritos, Laguna Hills, and El Toro. Spring Valley High School traveled from Las Vegas to attend the conference.

The conference featured eight committees, all traditional Model UN simulations, including DISEC, SPECOL, Security Council (present-day and historical), and African Union.

Secretary-General Julia Farrow led the UCIMUN team. She wanted delegates to understand that Model UN is not just about the weekend conference:
“You learn real-life skills. I use diplomacy and research skills in all aspects of my life. Human interaction is such an important part of MUN — it’s so applicable to every facet of life.”

The Delegation Awards went to:
- Best Club-Based Program: Newbury Park High School
- Best Small Class-Based Program: Spring Valley High School
- Best Large Class-Based Program: Cerritos High School

Congratulations to all delegates, advisors, and staff!