We have some exciting news! Best Delegate will be releasing two MUN Standings on this week: the Top High School MUN Teams in America and the Top College MUN Teams.
In addition, we will now be including all conferences from around the world in our weekly conference previews and recaps every Monday. This week’s highlights include a preview of WAMUNC, recaps of Harvard WorldMUN, York YMUN, Cornell CMUNC, and Universidad Latinoamericana ULAMUN plus plenty of other MUN articles and news. We’ll also update with Florida High Schools’ FHSMUN results as we receive them.
Conference Previews
Washington Area Model United Nations Conference (WAMUNC)
George Washington University will be hosting over 900 high school students at its thirteenth Washington Area Model United Nations Conference to be held in Washington, D.C. The conference features a balanced lineup of traditional UN committees divided into five international bodies, five regional bodies, three specialized agencies, an NGO program, a novice committee, and a potentially epic six-way joint crisis simulation between the cabinets of Austria, France, the Ottoman Empire, Prussia, the Russian Empire, and Victorian England focusing on Europe in the Age of Revolution. Delegates will also have a chance to tour DC with GWU students serving as tour guides. The Secretary-General is Kelsey King.
Best Delegate‘s Ryan Villanueva will be liveblogging at WAMUNC! DC-area high schools are lucky as DC is one of the few cities where the team is making multiple tour stops — we covered Georgetown NAIMUN earlier this season.
Registration Still Open for the Seton Hall Model United Nations Conference (SHUMUN)
Ryan will also be at the 12th Annual Seton Hall MUN Conference (SHUMUN XII) taking place next week from April 2-3! Conference registration is still open, so check out their website at www.shumun.com for details.
SHUMUN features extensive training resources for schools who are attending — check our their advisor manuals here and their training videos here. The conference also offers delegates the chance to participate in “FUN-MUN” competitions and extend their learning beyond committee — check out the FUN-MUN competitions here. Marco Alberti is this year’s Secretary-General, and he also served as Secretary-General for the Global Classrooms: New York Conference earlier this year.
Other Conferences This Weekend
- Asia International MUN (AIMUN), Beijing, China – collegiate
- British International School of Cairo MUN (BISCMUN), Cairo, Egypt
- Bucharest International MUN (BISMUN), Bucharest, Romania
- Dubai International Academy MUN (DIAMUN), Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Haileybury MUN, Hertford Heath, United Kingdom
- Michigan State University Model United Nations (MSUMUN), East Lansing, Michigan, USA
- Model European Union, Strasbourg, France
- St. Petersburg International MUN, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
- Virginia International Crisis Simulation (VICS), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA – collegiate
Conferences and schools can promote themselves by emailing write-ups and photos to kfc@bestdelegate.com.
Conference Results
Best Delegate took a break from the road this weekend after a big weekend in NHSMUN last week, but there was plenty of action. We have recaps and photos from WorldMUN, York YMUN, Cornell CMUNC, and Universidad Latinoamericana ULAMUN below!
Harvard World Model United Nations (World MUN)

Harvard WorldMUN is perhaps the most internationally-diverse conference in the world. Over 2,200 delegates from 65 countries attended this year’s conference which was held in Singapore. Besides its interesting committees, WorldMUN is known for its excellent social and cultural programs that are unrivaled by any other conference in the world, and many college teams take cultural trips on the side as well.
The awards as first reported by MUN Circuit are:
- Best Large Delegation: MUN Society Belgium
- Best Small Delegation: Yale University
Other schools that won multiple awards include the College of William & Mary, Columbia University, University of North Carolina – Charlotte, George Washington University, Claremont McKenna College, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (Venezuela), University of Passau (Germany), and the Lahore University of Management Sciences (Pakistan).
These results will be factored into our Top College MUN Teams standings to be released this week.

Delegates representing defense contractors raise their placards in the Summit on the Future of Warfare committee at WorldMUN in Singapore (Photo credit: Courtney, University of Texas at Austin)

Students from George Washington University pose with new friends they've made from around the globe (Photo credit: Jeremy, George Washington University)
Looks like everyone had a grand time in Singapore. We’ll be curious to see which teams/countries bid for the 2012 site and who gets selected!
York Model United Nations (YMUN)
York University hosted its YMUN Conference at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in Toronto, Canada. The conference keynote speaker was Ontario Chief Economist Ian H. Macdonald and the conference’s committee lineup included SOCHUM, the Security Council, and a three-way crisis simulation between the cabinets of China, the United States, and South Africa. The Secretary-General was Marcus Joo.
Cornell Model United Nations Conference (CMUNC)
Cornell hosted its rapidly-growing CMUNC conference at its campus in Ithaca, New York. The conference featured a lineup of eighteen traditional UN committees with several of them getting an exciting midnight crisis during the weekend. The conference attracted around 550 of the top programs in the Northeast and internationally. Despite its increased size, the conference still maintained a 7:1 delegate-to-staff ratio to make this conference a good experience. Secretary-General Michael Cretz led a staff of over 80 Cornell students.
The competitiveness of this year’s Cornell came with much hype from our readers. And the results are:
- Best Large Delegation: The Dalton School
- Outstanding Large Delegation: West Windsor Plainsboro High School South
- Best Small Delegation: South Africa MUN
- Outstanding Small Delegation: Boulder High School
These results will be factored into our Top High School MUN Teams in America standings to be released this week.

A committee dias listens to a delegate speak at Cornell's CMUNC (Photo credit: Rachel from Cornell University)
Universidad Latinoamericana Model United Nations (ULAMUN)
Universidad Latinoamericana held its ULAMUN conference over the weekend. Mexico is known for its actively circuit of MUN conferences including those that host committees in both Spanish and English, and ULAMUN was no exception. The conference featured six traditional UN committees held in Spanish, but the Security Council was conducted in English. The Secretary-General was Alberto Chávez Mejía.
Community News
Best Delegate articles
- The Educational Benefits of Model UN
- How to Build Your Model UN Program
- Top 5 Tips for Using Gallup WorldView at Harvard WorldMUN
Other MUN news