Conference Recap
Georgetown’s National Collegiate Security Conference (NCSC)
Georgetown threw an authentic and fun conference experience. Check out our liveblog posts from the conference!
Day 1: Opening Ceremonies in English and Chinese, plus interviews with delegates from Rutgers, Cornell, GWU, and Seton Hall.
Day 2: Coverage of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Iranian Majlis plus an interview with a delegate from Florida State.
Day 3: Feature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China – West Point delegate Warren Geary was elected General-Secretary and belts out “A Whole New World” at the karaoke fundraiser for charity, plus an interview with a delegate from Harvard.
Day 4: Reactions from the Awards Ceremony, thoughts on NCSC from delegates from Mt. Holyoke, Penn State, Southern Methodist University, Emory, and the University of Florida, plus an interview with NCSC Secretary-General Alex Bozzette.
Awards: The University of Chicago won Best Large Delegation for its second victory of the year and the University of Pennsylvania was awarded Outstanding Large Delegation also for the second time this year. Harvard University took home Best Small Delegation while the United States Military Academy at West Point received Outstanding Small Delegation.
We’re looking for recaps of NCCA’s National Model United Nations – DC (NMUN DC) and the North Texas Invitational Model United Nations (NTIMUN)! If you attended the conference, please submit a recap here and we will include it next week!
Strategies and News
Guest post – How to Use Smart Power to Win Awards. This is a must-read for any serious delegate and student of international relations. Andrew Roush from the University of Texas at Austin writes a guest post for Best Delegate on how individuals can use soft, hard, and smart power to influence outcomes much like how countries do so in international relations.
Overcoming Adversity in Model UN. John from MUNmatters wrote a great article reflecting on his experience competing at Harvard where he had to deal with power delegates and getting his laptop stolen but still ended up winning Best Delegate. He realized that performance is measured by how many occasions one was able to distinguish themselves as a true diplomat in committee and that delegates should focus on what’s going right instead of what’s going wrong in committee.
Upcoming Conferences
Best Delegate will be liveblogging at the Contra Costa County MUN Conference this weekend! The college circuit will also be treated to two smaller conferences hosted by Duke and UC Santa Barbara.
Contra Costa County Model United Nations (CCCMUN)
The Contra Costa County Office of Education will be hosting CCCMUN from November 5-6, 2010 at the campus of Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California. To the best of Best Delegate’s knowledge, this is the only conference in the USA where the county hosts a conference for all the Model UN programs within its school districts (plus several other Bay Area schools) and we commend them for their strong support of Model UN. The conference is staffed by volunteers from UC Davis and is led by Secretary-General Golzar Ansari.
Duke International Security Conference (DISC)
Duke University will be hosting its DISC college conference from November 5-7, 2010 at its campus in Durham, North Carolina. The conference theme is “The New Asian Hemisphere” and will feature a joint crisis between seven cabinets: China, India, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, the United States, and the UN Security Council. Although the conference is relatively young, Duke has been praised in the past for its use of rich multimedia, realistic scenarios, and balance between tactical and strategic decision-making. The Secretary-General this year is Jack Zhang.
Santa Barbara Intercollegiate Model United Nations (SBIMUN)
The University of California, Santa Barbara will be hosting its inaugural collegiate conference from November 6-7, 2010 at the UCSB campus. The conference lineup includes GA1, GA6, EU, Security Council, and a joint crisis on the Korean Peninsula conflict. The conference’s executive board is: Justin Galle, Alex Hammer-Barulich, and Darren Diau. Best Delegate wishes SBIMUN success on their first conference!