Hello Model UN-ers from across the United Kingdom and around the world, my name is Yuji Develle and I will be serving as the Media Chair for the UK. I have followed Best Delegate ever since the dark beginnings of my Model UN career and I am overjoyed to contribute to this monument of knowledge in the MUN community.
About me. My MUN career did not begin with pomp and circumstance. An over-emotional and uncharismatic high school freshman, I often found myself on the Best Delegate website trying to find the answers to my many rhetorical shortcomings. A few conferences in North America, Europe, and Britain later, I can (adequately) note the difference commitment, friendliness, and strategy have on one’s success in MUN (or anything in life involving the act of “talking to people” for that matter).
With a highly dedicated committee of six, I currently serve as President of King’s College London’s United Nations Association, committed to giving it, and other universities’ throughout London and the UK, the very highest standard of Model UN and International Relations education.
The UK Circuit is without a doubt, in my eyes, the most dynamic circuit in the MUN world. There I said it. Hailing from the most diverse pool of high school MUN circuits around the world, whether that would be the South Asian, American, or European circuits, we MUN aficionados living in the UK have an amazing opportunity to bear witness the melting pot that is our region. Barely a year into living in London, I have noticed the sheer brilliance of speech making and the vast knowledge of IR our UK MUNers have to offer. The great number of conferences in the UK is only matched by their capacity for innovation. Whether you are an out-going General Assembly speaker or crazy enough to take-on a 4 Joint Cabinet Crisis (yes, four), the UK has it all.
That being said, a trip to WorldMUN is enough to notice the region’s lack of presence on the world stage. Tapping into the huge potential of the UK, my objective will be to increase coverage of the region’s large and innovative conferences (such as University of London MUN, Sheffield MUN, London International MUN, and many more) and to focus my articles on the general differences & weaknesses of the UK circuit vis-à-vis the world stage (such as Unmoderated Caucus strategies, differences in parliamentary procedure, and conference preparation).
With such a talented and experienced Best Delegate Global Media Secretariat this year, I am sure that we will all continue to deliver the most reliable MUN news and education out there. Definitely looking forward to working and talking to as many MUNers within the UK circuit as humanly possible, so drop me a message at develle@bestdelegate.com or to the rest of the team at media@bestdelegate.com
Yuji Develle
Media Chair, United Kingdom