Welcome, Reader!

Hello Best Delegates,

My name is Liza Bell, and I am one of the new Media Chairs representing the USA Northeast region. I am currently a sophomore at Seton Hall University, and I have been involved in Model United Nations (MUN) since IMG_2516 my freshman year of high school on Long Island in New York. I like to think that being a part of MUN brought me to finding myself and ultimately discovering my life path.

At first, I was hesitant on being a member of my high school MUN club. I remember taking a class in middle school that involved MUN. It was informative, but not really something that interested me. However, as my friend pushed me to attend the first meeting my freshman year of high school, I could not have been more thankful because I immediately realized that this was the club I was meant to be a part of. High school MUN was different. I quickly saw how passionate everyone was for MUN, and that passion passed onto me as well. In high school I went from becoming a general member to a Secretariat member to becoming the Secretary-General in my senior year. Now that I am in college, I embody what MUN has given me first by being a declared Diplomacy and International Relations major, but also by sharing my knowledge of MUN with everyone I know. I look forward to sharing that knowledge with you as well, fellow readers.

As I stated above, I am the Media Chair for the USA Northeast region. As I have viewed the Best Delegate site on multiple occasions, I have noticed that many local conferences seem to be ignored. In my position as Media Chair, I hope to shed light on and cover conferences based out of high schools. These are where the MUN world thrives. Of course, many of these schools attend larger conferences that Best Delegate liveblogs and recaps, but we all started somewhere smaller that I like to call the “big MUN stage”. If we take time out to talk to MUN clubs, we will see each of them has a tradition and maybe even a different way of doing things. I hope I can represent my region well by attending conferences around the area and maybe even small conferences based out of schools and not hotels in order to get the feel of a close-knit MUN community. I hope to write articles that discuss the fundamentals of conference management and also to recognize the people we are got our start from, our club advisors.

I hope to read something of yours in the comments of either this post, or of my future ones to come. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at lizabell@bestdelegate.com!


Liza Bell


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