Why Model United Nations Will Help Your Child Get Into College

As the parent of a Model UN engaged child, you’ve probably found yourself wondering how your child can use what they’ve learned through MUN to help them succeed in high school and beyond. One of the most important moments in your child’s academic journey: the college application process. So how exactly will Model UN help your child get into college and what might a successful four-year high school MUN journey look like?

When your child starts participating in Model UN, they begin a journey that can and will lead them toward future success as they gain new skills and grow in confidence. This article is designed to show you how your child can use key MUN skills to highlight their academic potential, give you insight into how MUN experiences will help your child find their best-fit school as they cultivate their passions, and provide examples as to how your child can leverage MUN in their personal statement & academic resume. You’ll also find interactive checklists to help you imagine what a successful four-year high school Model UN journey can look like for your child, and new ways to support them along their path to success! Whether your child is a freshman in high school just getting started with MUN or an upperclassman looking for ways to use MUN to help them get into their dream school, this article will help you, the MUN parent, learn more about how Model UN can help passionate students get into college.

Model UN Skills: Highlighting Academic Achievement & Potential

Model UN & College-Level Skills

As a MUNer, your child has an advantage when it comes to demonstrating their academic potential and ability to achieve. While colleges care about your child’s high school track record and GPA, they also want to know that your child will be prepared to succeed in a college-level academic environment. Model UN helps students hone key skills and provides them with practical ways to put these skills to the test with each new committee experience.

Research: As your child prepares for each MUN committee, they’re tasked with doing in-depth research on a new country and on a topic of pressing global interest ranging from eliminating poverty to climate change to nuclear disarmament. This type of research goes beyond the typical student level, and shows colleges that your child is prepared for the rigor of high-level classes. 

Writing: Your child has probably written and submitted position papers for numerous MUN committees, which has shown them how to translate their research into quality academic-style writing. During each committee, your child is also tasked with drafting resolutions or directives alongside their peers, consistently getting collaborative feedback and developing a strong grasp of their own writing style.

Public Speaking: Public speaking comes naturally with the MUN territory, and in every MUN committee, your child has numerous opportunities to practice and refine their public speaking & debate abilities! They learn strategies for structuring speeches, and gain insight into stylistic elements of speech delivery including tone & pacing, which translates to confidence in their unique voice. MUN students are inclined to be active participants in class discussions, demonstrating a passion that allows them to thrive in the college admissions process & classroom environment!

Beyond the key research, writing, and public speaking skillsets your child will demonstrate through MUN participation, they also gain critical professional skills along their Model UN journey. MUN teaches students how to network and interview, giving them a leg-up in the college admissions and application process. Colleges look for students who have the potential skills to thrive in future careers & beyond the college environment, which your child can showcase with their Model UN experiences as they prepare for college interviews and tailor their application.

Model UN & Leadership Potential

MUNers are given abundant opportunities to take on concrete leadership positions both within their school community and the greater Model UN community, which shows colleges their potential to succeed and desire to achieve in their academic futures. Through taking on roles such as a club officer, member of a conference secretariat, or head delegate/team trainer, your child demonstrates leadership abilities and shows that they were passionate enough about MUN to become a leader in the activity. As your child becomes a leader within the MUN community, they may also begin to win awards at conferences, which they can list as concrete accomplishments to boost their academic resume. Through making an impact on their own MUN program or the greater MUN community, your child can show commitment to a legacy of success.

Model UN Experiences: Finding the Best-Fit School

Alongside providing students with tangible skills & concrete accomplishments to showcase in the college admissions process, MUN also helps students find their best-fit college and figure out their dream school! Through attending MUN conferences run by university MUN Teams, they can see their potential future team in action and learn more about the school from like-minded potential mentors. As your child progresses in their high school MUN journey, they’ll also figure out what they’re passionate about, helping them to decide a potential major or field of interest, and gain more insight into the type of institution and community they’d like to be a part of.

Model UN & College Applications: Crafting Personal Statements & Resumes

If your child is a high school senior and you’re wondering if MUN is something they can feature in their personal statement or academic resume, the answer is a resounding yes! College essays are an opportunity to write about meaningful experiences, and if your child has a unique or evocative MUN story, they should absolutely tell it – click here for advice on how to do so! MUN accomplishments are also a great addition to any college application/academic resume, and if you’re looking for ways to incorporate MUN, click here for an example resume!

The High School Model UN Journey: Interactive Checklists

Freshman Year Checklist: During their freshman year of high school, your child should focus on cultivating their passion for MUN! This is the perfect time for them to join a MUN team, attend their first MUN Conferences, and think about how they may want to continue to be involved in the MUN community throughout high school.

Sophomore Year Checklist: As a high school sophomore, your child should start thinking about ways to stand out amongst their peers and become a leader for their team! They can begin learning advanced MUN skills, attending larger conferences, taking on leadership positions, and striving to win awards!

Junior Year Checklist: Junior year is the perfect time for your child to reflect on their MUN journey and consider the type of legacy they want to have on their high school’s MUN team. This can come in the form of taking on advanced leadership roles, attending regional conferences, consistently winning awards for their team, and mentoring younger students to create a lasting impact!

Senior Year Checklist: As a high school senior, now is the time for your child to start applying to and preparing for college! They’ll probably take on a top leadership position within their school’s team, and utilize their MUN experience to inspire others within their school and beyond. As they start applying to college, they may consider asking their MUN advisor for a letter of recommendation or showcasing MUN on their application!

Interested in Learning More About How MUN Will Help Your Child Get Into College?


Looking for an upcoming MUN Conference for your child to attend? Monthly virtual BDMUNCs include Training, Invitational, & Crisis level committee options for students in grades 5 – 12! Sign Up Now!

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