YMUN contained many unique committees, such as NATO and The Trojan War JCC, along with the more traditional General Assembly. The committees were filled with intense and thoughtful debate. In multiple committees curveballs were thrown at the delegates. There was a midnight crisis in the Congress of Vienna on Friday night. Delegates were rushed back into committee after learning that Napoleon had returned to france and resumed power after exile. After long debate the United Kingdom and Russia supported Napolean’s return to power. One delegate remarks, ” I really enjoyed the midnight crisis. It was my first one, but the chairs kept us on track. It was difficult because delegates were tired after a long day of debate, but it was over all a great experience.”
The Mexican Anti-Drug Force was faced with the difficult task of ending cartel wars in Mexico. Delegates went back and forth between whether or not t0 accept aid and military training by the American Government. The committee even considered advocating that Mexico be placed under martial law, which has never happened before in Mexico’s history. President Calderon quickly rejected the idea. The committee was rocked by scandal after it was revealed that Lorenzo Zambrano was working with the Sinaloa cartel and was inadvertently responsible for the death of multiple delegate’s family members. The delegates had to work together to overcome many obstacles to insure Mexico’s safety.
Award Winners
Outstanding Small Delegation- Concord Academy
Best Small Delegation- The Lawrenceville School
Outstanding Large Delegation- The Hotchkiss School
Best Large Delegation- Bergen County Academies