BarMUN V: Raising the Bar

Recap provided by Katrina Trost, Director of Communications for BarMUN V

Hillary Clinton (Georgetown Delegate Dane Shikman) poses with Crisis staff of the USNSC at BarMUN V.

BarMUN V was an official success! BarMUN V is proud to continue the tradition of being the only dual track, fully integrated crisis conference on the circuit. Our Modern track spanned the international community with committees spanning from the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to the Saudi Aramco. The Quds Force waged an ideological war against the West, while the Executive Cabinet of Mexico challenged drug cartels’ holds on northern states. History charted a new course on our Historical 1963 track, where President John F. Kennedy has survived an assassination attempt. Sullivan and Cromwell, LLP amassed a gigantic fortune while the Sandinistas took control of Nicaragua. Since BarMUN is a fully integrated crisis conference, delegates in every committee interacted  with other delegates to influence the BarMUN world while solving internal crises.

Delegation Awards
Best Large Delegation: Georgetown University
Outstanding Large Delegation: University of Pennsylvania
Best Small Delegation: Florida International University
Outstanding Small Delegation: Duke University

Other teams with multiple award winners include Columbia University, Michigan State University, Boston College, University of Delaware, Northeastern University and Vanderbilt University.

Best Large Delegation, Georgetown University, poses with their delegation award. Georgetown dominated the weekend, winning six Best Delegate awards. (Photo Courtesy of Anais Carmona)

The University of Pennsylvania celebrates its success at BarMUN (Photo courtesy of Arka Mallela)

Michigan State University delegates Kelsey Weyhing and Anzar Abbas playfully await closing ceremonies. (Photo Courtesy of Kelsey Weyhing)

Delegates prepare to share a Crisis update.

Delegates participate in an unmoderated caucus at BarMUN V.

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