Peru Students Address Real World Issues at UPMUN 2012

This is a guest article by Martin Gallardo

UPMUN 2012 was a complete success. This past September 25th and 26th, the Universidad del Pacífico organized their second MUN session. This year students from six of the best universities in Peru competed and enjoyed this wonderful experience. Last year, UPMUN was the first ever MUN held in this country and this year was the largest.

64 students from different careers decided to take the challenge. They met at the campus of the Universidad del Pacífico one cloudy morning. Most of them were very nervous because they were attending their first MUN conference. When everyone was gathered in the auditorium, Carlos J. Zelada, Law Professor, opened the conference. After some quick speeches by the university’s authorities, the second UPMUN was in session. Suddenly the clouds disappeared, the sun shone and the committees were ready.

This second UPMUN had three committees: the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly and the Security Council.

“Violence and International Criminal Organizations” were the topics discussed in the ECOSOC committee. Most of the delegates were looking for international cooperation and better educational standards to prevent young people from falling into gangs and criminal organizations. Particularly in this committee, many delegates made new friends and worked side by side to develop their ideas.

In the General Assembly, delegates debated the topic of international trade, specifically free trade with no economic barriers. Both developed and undeveloped States were looking for more efficient measures in respect to the food trade.

The committee of the UPMUN 2012 which generated the most expectations was the Security Council. The “Syrian Crisis” was debated. Since the international community has not managed this problem, the delegates were given the task to solve this issue. Surprisingly, the P5, after a very tense debate and tough negotiations, reached an agreement and no one vetoed the resolution. This proved that even in the most conflict cases, consensus is always possible.

The conference ended with a very emotional speech from Mr. Christian Sanchez, the United Nations Information Center Officer for Peru. He encouraged the participants to continue with the MUN experience in their lives. When Mr. Sanchez finished his speech, it was the time for Jorge Tudela, the Secretary General, to address the audience. He emphasized one point: there are lots of things to be done and those depend only on our willingness.

After the Best Delegate and the Honorable Mention awards were delivered, all delegates and the preparation staff team were gathered and a picture was taken. This shows the three pillars of the UPMUN philosophy: hard work, commitment with the worldwide problems and friendship.

The MUN culture is rapidly increasing in Peru. UPMUN is the national example for the new MUNs that are emerging at the undergraduate level. In 2012, the delegates had an amazing experience and cannot wait for the next session. However, their tolerance will be rewarded because next year the UPMUN 2013 will be bigger and even more competitive. We will be expecting for the coming surprises. For more information check the official conference page .



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