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Featured Articles
- 11 Differences Between THIMUN and the Typical MUN in North America
- A Tale of Two Coasts: 5 Key Differences Between West Coast versus East Coast Model UN
- 5 Things to Know About Midwestern Model UN
- How Southwest Florida High Schools Became Model UN Powerhouses
- Puerto Rico Lo Hace Mejor: How Model UN is Part of the Culture and Why Puerto Ricans Do It Better
- The Sudden Rise of Independent Model UN Teams: Homeschool, Community, and Private Travel Teams
Best Delegate Academy Summer Camps
- Best Delegate Summer Tour to Yale, UCI, and Saudi Arabia
- The Yale Model United Nations Institute
- YMUNI Inspires Student
2011-2012 Conferences
Click here to see which Model UN conferences Best Delegate plans to visit
Conferences listed in alphabetical order:
Baylor University Model United Nations (BUMUN)
Beijing Model United Nations (BEIMUN)
Berkeley Model United Nations (BMUN)
Brigham Young University Model United Nations (BYUMUN)
Boston Invitational Model United Nations (BosMUN)
Central Texas Model United Nations (CTMUN)
Cerritos High School Model United Nations (CHSMUN)
Chicago International Model United Nations (CIMUN)
Columbia Model United Nations Conference and Exposition (CMUNCE)
Contra Costa County Model United Nations (CCCMUN)
- Kevin Felix Chan Delivers Speech at Opening Ceremonies
- Delegates Learned About the World, Made Friends, and Want to Change the World
Cornell Model United Nations Conference (CMUNC)
Duke University Model United Nations Conference (DUMUN)
Edison High School Model United Nations (EHSMUN)
El Toro High School Model United Nations (ETHSMUN)
Florida Gator Model United Nations (GatorMUN)
Florida International Model United Nations (FIMUN)
Georgia Tech Model United Nations (GTMUN)
Great Lakes Invitational Model United Nations (GLIMUN)
Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN)
- The Journey from Pakistan to HMUN 2012
- Opening Ceremonies
- Delegates in Action
- Closing Ceremonies: J.P. Stevens Wins Best Large Delegation
- J.P. Stevens Reflects on its Journey to HMUN 2012: A Message to the Underdogs
Harvard Model United Nations India (HMUN India)
- Recap of Harvard Model United Nations India 2012
- Pakistani Students Reflect on their Success at HMUN India
Horace Mann Model United Nations (HoMMUNC)
Houston Area Model United Nations (HAMUN)
Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC)
- Opening Ceremonies Welcomes a Record 3,000 Delegates
- 100 Photos of Delegates and Staff in Action
- Delegates from Over 50 Schools Win Awards; Horace Mann is the Ivy League Champ
- ILMUNC Secretary-General Phill Venice Talks About the Future Growth of Model UN
Ivy League Model United Nations Conference – China (ILMUNC China)
John P. Stevens Model United Nations (JPSMUN)
Johns Hopkins University Model United Nations Conference (JHUMUNC)
Lab Model United Nations Conference (LABMUNC)
Laguna Hills High School Model United Nations (LHHSMUN)
Lithuanian Model United Nations (LIMUN)
Los Angeles Invitational Model United Nations (LAIMUN) – Mira Costa High School
Marianopolis Model United Nations (MariMUN)
Michigan State University Model United Nations (MSUMUN)
Mission Viejo High School Model United Nations (MVHSMUN)
- Mission Viejo High School Model United Nations 2012
- Watch Ryan’s Keynote Speech, “Proud to be Part of the Model UN Community”
Model United Nations of the University of Chicago (MUNUC)
National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN)
- National High School Model United Nations 2012 Liveblog
- St. Andrews Priory School from Hawaii Reflects on Their First NHSMUN Experience
North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN)
- Featured Series Kickoff
- An Inside Look at the Development of the Conference
- Programming All the Fun That Goes On Outside of Committee
- United States National Security Apparatus
- An Inside Look at the Substantive Innovations and Philosophies of their Chairs and Crisis Staff
- Opening Ceremonies Welcomes 3,000 Delegates
- Location, Location, Location: NAIMUN Features Tours of DC, Guest Speakers, and Social Justice Symposium
- Featured committee: Nuclear Proliferation, Protocol, and ParliPro: The 2015 NPT Review Committee
- Featured committee: The British House of Commons
- How NAIMUN Develops Crisis Committees
- NAIMUN’s Innovative Approach to Crisis Committees
- NAIMUN Chairs Share their Chairing Philosophies and What They Look for in a Best Delegate
- Liveblog: Delegates and Staff in Action
- NAIMUN Raised $24,234.48 for charity:water
- NAIMUN Championship Weekend: Horace Mann, Mira Costa, WWP-South, and Canterbury Win Delegation Awards
- Thank You to the NAIMUN Staff and Congratulations Everyone on a Great Conference!
North County Regional Conference Model United Nations (NCRCMUN)
Online Model United Nations (OMUN)
Paris Model United Nations (PAMUN)
Princeton Model United Nations Conference (PMUNC)
Regional High School Model United Nations (RHSMUN)
Secondary Schools United Nations Symposium (SSUNS) – McGill University
- Change One Person’s Life and It Will Change Yours
- Delegates Ignite Their Passion for Model UN
- Feature: MI6 Agents Save the World
- Delegates Enjoy Gala & Soiree
South Orange County Model United Nations (SOCOMUN)
Southwest Florida Model United Nations (SWFLMUN)
Stanford Model United Nations Conference (SMUNC)
Stuyvesant High School Model United Nations Conference (StuyMUNC)
Surf City Model United Nations – Huntington Beach High School
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN)
- Opening Ceremonies Speeches
- The Best Lobbyists in the World
- Meet Secretary-General Leonie Reese
- Highlights via MUNITY
The Hague International Model United Nations – Singapore (THIMUN Singapore)
- Lobbying Sessions
- Youth Assemblies Propose Real Solutions to Issues
- Meet THIMUN Singapore Secretary-General Nina Kamaruddin
- GA Plenary Speeches and Conference Highlights
THIMUN Qatar Northwestern Film Festival
UCLA Bruin Model United Nations (BruinMUN)
UNA-USA Global Classrooms: Chicago (GC Chicago)
UNA-USA Global Classrooms International Model United Nations (GCIMUN)
UNA-USA Global Classrooms: London (GC London)
University of California, Irvine Model United Nations (UCIMUN)
University of Colorado High School Model United Nations (UCHSMUN)
University of Connecticut Model United Nations (UCMUN)
University High School Model United Nations (UHSMUN),
University of Georgia Model United Nations (UGAMUNC)
Washington Area Model United Nations Conference (WAMUNC) – George Washington University
- Opening Ceremonies: Kevin Felix Chan on Applying the “Learn. Live. Lead.” Mindset to Model UN and Life
- Washington Area Model United Nations Conference 2012: Liveblog, NJ Fans, and Awards
William & Mary High School Model United Nations (WMHSMUN)
- WMHSMUN Coffee Break
- WMHSMUN 25th Conference: The Total Model UN Experience
- WMHSMUN XXV Recap and Awards
Yale Model United Nations (YMUN)
YMCA Louisiana Youth and Government Model United Nations Conference (YMCA Louisiana MUN)
Middle School Model UN
Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN)
Red Cedar Model United Naitons (RCMUN)
Saint Francis Model United Nations (SFMUN)
Trabuco Hills High School Model United Nations (THHSMUN)
YMCA Model UN Summit
2010-2011 Conferences
Conferences listed in alphabetical order:
Berkeley Model United Nations (BMUN)
- Opening Ceremonies part 1 and part 2
- Delegates Present & Vote on Resolutions
- Interviews with Secretary-General, Huntington, Lindbrook, & Concord High Schools
- Pictures of Delegates & Staff in Action
- Delegates Rap at Closing Ceremonies!
Brown University Simulation of the United Nations (BUSUN)
- Opening Ceremonies and Interview with Port Charlotte and Edison
- Crisis Committees and Interviews with Upper Arlington and Pelham Memorial
- Liveblog plus Interviews with Secretaries-General and Stuyvesant
Central Texas Model United Nations (CTMUN) – University of Texas at Austin
Chicago International Model United Nations (CIMUN) – University of Illinois, Chicago
Columbia Model United Nations Conference and Exposition (CMUNCE)
- Black Swan Events, the Peter Pan Committee, and Interview with Oakwood Friends School
- Interviews with Algahazaly High School and Sacred Heart
- Peter Pan & Harry Potter Mashup
- Drug Cartels, RNC, and more
- Secretary-General Interview
- Best Delegations and Roses
Contra Costa County Model United Nations (CCCMUN)
- Opening Ceremonies Featuring a Speech by Kevin Felix Chan
- Conference Liveblog: Delegate Interviews, Interview with Secretary-General, and Awards
Cornell Model United Nations Conference (CMUNC)
Duke University Model United Nations Conference (DUMUNC)
Florida High Schools Model United Nations (FHSMUN)
Georgia Tech Model United Nations (GTMUN)
Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN)
- Smooth Speeches and Live Video Keynote at Opening Ceremonies
- HMUN Draws 2,900 Delegates from 35 Countries
- Harvard Emphasizes Technology and Social Media
- Interview with…Ryan Villanueva?!
- Interview with Secretary-General Alec Barrett
- Harvard Leaks Best Delegate Guide on How to Win Awards!
- Best Delegation Awards to Dalton, Horace Mann, John Connon, and Canterbury
- Harvard Draws Students from Around the World
Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) – University of Pennsylvania
- Invisible Children at Opening Ceremonies
- Favorite Things About Model UN
- Committees in Action (photos)
- Interview with Secretary-General Zach Stone
- Best Delegation Awards
Laguna Hills High School Model United Nations (LHHSMUN)
- Live Tweets (photos of committees in action)
- Recap, Videos of Committees in Action, and Interview with Secretary-General
Michigan State University Model United Nations (MSUMUN)
Mission Viejo High School Model United Nations (MVHSMUN)
Model United Nations of the University of Chicago (MUNUC)
- Opening Ceremonies
- How to Chair Your Caucus Bloc (strategy tip)
- Committees in Action (photos)
- Feature on SOCHUM – Getting Women Involved in Politics
- Interview with Secretary-General Reece Trevor
- The Most Emotional Closing Ceremonies Ever
Model United Nations Pakistan (MUNPK)
National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN)
- Opening Ceremonies plus Interviews with Cerritos, Haverhill, Radnor, and Rutland high schools
- Specialized Agencies video blog
- UNDP Feature: Moderated Caucus
- DISEC Feature: Combining Operative Clauses
- SOCHUM Feature: Wins for Being Fun
- Committees in action photoblog
- CSW Sings its Appreciation to Admin
- Closing Ceremonies – Best High School Delegations
- Why You Should Staff NHSMUN, RHSMUN, and SUSMUN
North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) – Georgetown University
- Opening Ceremonies: What You Should Get Out of Model UN
- Do NAIMUN Delegates Work Harder than College Champions?
- Committees in Action (photos and videos)
- Special Appreciation to Our Friends in UNDP
- Interview with Secretary-General Jagmeet Singh
Rutgers University Model United Nations (RUMUN)
- Opening Ceremonies and Interview with Franklin, Newark, and Syosset High Schools
- Lunchtime Workshops plus Interview with Kew Forest School and Dalton School
- Closing Ceremonies Awards and Secretary-General Interview
Seton Hall University Model United Nations (SHUMUN)
- Best Delegate’s Ryan Villanueva Gives Keynote Speech at SHUMUN
- Photoblog: World Health Organization
- Photoblog: UN Office of Drugs and Crime merges resolutions
- Model UN Teams in Action
- Staff in Action
- Closing Ceremonies – Award Winners
Stuyvesant Model United Nations (StuyMUNC)
UNA-USA Global Classrooms International Model United Nations (GCIMUN)
- Preview
- Ban Ki-moon and Susan Rice speak at Opening Ceremonies
- GCIMUN Video Interviews
- GCIMUN in Action
UNA-USA Global Classrooms: New York City conference (GC:NYC)
UNA-USA Global Classrooms: Washington DC conference (GC: DC)
Washington Area Model United Nations (WAMUC) – George Washington University
- Opening Ceremonies: Best Delegate’s Ryan Villanueva Gives Keynote Speech
- Delegates Tour DC, Meet IR Professionals, & Debate GWU Professors
- Videoblog/Photoblog: “Age of Imperialism” Joint Crisis Simulation
- WAMUNC Supports Instituto Mundo Libre
- Delegates in Action: Human Rights Council Photoblog
- Meet WAMUNC Secretary-General Kelsey King
- Closing Ceremonies: Cape Coral and Franklin win delegation awards
WE Model United Nations Expo (WEMUN)
Yale Model United Nations Conference (YMUN)
- Opening Ceremonies with Dr. William Ury of “Getting to Yes”
- Press Corps Commercial Faceoff
- CNN Beats Fox News in Commercial Faceoff
- How Model UN Helps Students from China
- Hotchkiss Wins Best Delegation, plus Interview with Secretary-General
Middle School Model UN
Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN)
- Montessori MUN Opening Ceremonies, Pledge to Earth, & 1/100th-size replica of the UN
- Montessori MUN Delegates in Action! Plus 4th graders talk though on…taxes?!
- Meet Montessori MUN Executive Director Judith Cunningham
- A Personal Reflection on Model UN & Montessori — Guest Post from Camille Moro
UNA-USA’s Global Classrooms: Middle School (GC MS)